10 footballers that shocked the world in 2020

10. Sergio Ramos

9. Erring Haaland

8. Thomas Muller

7. Kylian Mbappe

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6. Kelvin De Bruyne

5. Neymar

4. Karim benzema

3. Lionel Messi

2. Christiano Ronaldo

  1. Robert Lewandoski


Uncle fino was born in 2006. He is rated the youngest comedian without adult supervision.

He started acting on his own when he was 12 yr old.

He has over 4000 followers on FACEBOOK

“My greatest wish is for me to have 100000 followers before i’m 15. And I can achieve it when celebrities follow me”. He once said in a Facebook post.

Apart from that, he is also an artist. His instagram page is full of drawings of celebrities. Below is one of his picture

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